We can control our brains to keep them healthy – Photo: Nick Notas
The good news is that we can control our mental health and avoid it.AgeBefore that, start with daily habits.
According to scientists, sometimes seemingly “harmless” activities can negatively impact brain health.
Lack of social contact
Social interactions, whether in person or online, have profound effects on the brain.
You make your mind repeat the same things over and over again
In addition to keeping your mind active while maintaining your existing skills, you need to take your mind out of its comfort zone.
If you feel like you are not young anymore and don’t want to learn new things, it can harm your mental health and lead to premature mental aging.
You ignore chronic stress
Stress is a part of everyday life, and our bodies can often recover quickly after a particular stressful event or situation.
“We are pretty good at maintaining a moderate stress response throughout the day, which we don’t even realize,” says Dr. Elisa Epel, a professor of psychiatry in San Francisco, California. .
She says it’s important to be aware of this tension and release it throughout the day, such as paying attention to thoughts and slowing your breathing.
FriendOrder too much food
When you’re busy, the natural tendency is to grab something quickly.
Fast food is often high in saturated fat and added sugar.
Try to focus on a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as green leafy vegetables, fish, olive oil, and nuts.
Sleep qualityat least
Even if you try to get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep a day, if your sleep quality is poor, you may feel tired the next day.
Researchers have emphasized that sleep quantity and quality are important for mental health. Poor sleep over time increases the risk of premature brain aging and memory loss.
To improve sleep quality, set a regular bedtime, reduce alcohol consumption, reduce fluid intake before bed, avoid sedatives and sleeping pills, and instead use your bed to sleep while surfing phone or watch TV.
You have no physical activity
Exercise is important for keeping the brain youthful.