Officials doing rapid testing for borax at a sausage production facility – Photo: DOAN CUONG
Borax has the ability to inhibit bacterial growth by affecting peptide bonds in bacterial proteins, changing proteins and bacterial cell membranes, causing bacteria to weaken and die.
The bacteria die and do not grow, so the meat spoils and spoils slowly.
BoraxIt helps increase adhesion between ingredients in food, especially proteins, creating a solid structure, making food hard and brittle, difficult to break and preserved for a long time.
However, eating foods containing borax can cause many dangerous consequences.
1. Harmful to the digestive tract: This chemical directly affects the intestinal lining, causing stomach ulcers, stomach ulcers, stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea and severe dehydration in some severe cases can be life-threatening if not treated quickly.
2. Harmful to the nervous system: Borax stimulates the central nervous system and causes symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, insomnia and depression.
3. Liver and kidney damage: The liver is the body’s main metabolic organ.
When the kidneys accumulate a lot of borax, it will filter and eliminate toxic substances from the body, putting pressure on the kidneys and causing damage to the glomeruli and tubules leading to kidney failure.
4. Affects fertility: Long-term accumulation of borax in the body can cause hormonal imbalance, affecting fertility in both men and women.
According to research, scientists discovered that mice fed buckwheat for a certain period of time showed sperm atrophy in male mice and reproductive organ atrophy in female mice.
In pregnant laboratory animals, high levels of borax in the blood cross the placenta, impairing fetal growth and causing low birth weight and fetal abnormalities.