Patient takes medicine containing plants – Photo: BVCC
Through investigation and testing by the Poison Control Center, Mr. DKD
Modern medicine currently does not use strychnine as medicine due to its dangerous toxicity and very limited therapeutic effects.
Mr. D shared that the remedy made from the money tree is used to treat bone and joint diseases and gout.
Mr. Dim said that he had used many types of medicinal plants, but this was the first time he encountered such a reaction, so he suspected that the medicinal plant code might not only contain money but also some other substances of unknown origin.
However, during this near-death experience, Mr. D did not dare self-medicate, using drugs of unknown origin without being examined at reputable medical facilities or hospitals.
According to doctor Nguyen Thien Dat (Poison Control Center, Bach My Hospital), after nearly 1 day of hospitalization and intervention, the patient died from D.
Creatine Kinase (CK) test is very high, up to 15,000 IU/L. Normally, CK results above 1,000 IU/L require close monitoring for severe rhabdomyolysis. Above 5,000 IU/L, there is a risk of kidney failure.
After 4 days in the hospital, the patient still had mild spasticity and lung complications requiring oxygen and rehabilitation treatment.urgent.
“Cases of strychnine or Ma Tien poisoning are often caused by taking oriental medicine, drinking Ma Tien wine, massage… If severe poisoning is not recognized and treated promptly, it can lead to serious complications. (seems like a seizure), muscle stiffness, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and can even lead to death, says Dr. Dutt.
Dr. Nguyen Trung Nguyen, Director of the Poison Control Center, discussed more about the issue of money tree and strychnine poisoning. The scientific name of the money tree is Strychnos nux – vomica L, family Loganiaceae.
Codex is highly toxic, directly affecting the spinal cord, stimulating muscle contractions, increasing tendon reflexes in mild cases, and in severe cases causing persistent muscle spasms such as tetanus, muscle spasms and sudden convulsions. .
Myoclonic seizures can be easily noticed when there are surrounding sound and light stimuli.
However, muscle spasms and spasms can easily and quickly lead to suffocation, difficulty breathing and death.

Ma Tien County – Photo: BVCC
Seeds are easy to recognize, round, flat, about 1 cm in diameter or more.
When using pennywort seeds in traditional medicine, it is necessary to follow the correct process to avoid the risk of poisoning.
Ma Tien seeds are classified by the Ministry of Health as highly toxic drugs, requiring special preservation and dosing.
It is even advertised to “cure erectile dysfunction and enhance male physiological function”.
However, this is not the case.